Minor ailments of pregnancy can often become major ones and acupuncture can greatly ease these symptoms which may keep you mobile, at work , just helping you through the 9 months and easing your way into labour with Birth Prep.
Acupuncture can relieve these very unpleasant symptoms and give you your quality of life back during and after your pregnancy.
Used extensively in Europe this researched based acupuncture is available to prepare the cervix ( opening to womb) starting at 36 weeks the treatments have proven through a large clinical trial known as The Mannheim Project. Through rigorous research the results were astonishing, women in the acupuncture group cervixes were all thinner, softer and shorter, ready for labour! This shortened the latent phase ( often slow starter) making the contractions more efficient shortening labour by approx two hours (read more on the mannheim project here)
Note medical acupuncture works closely with conventional western medicine. Please discuss with your midwife, obstetrician or Gp care provider prior to acupuncture treatment.
These symptoms can be mild, moderate to severe ( hyperemisis including rehydration treatment in hospital)
Acupuncture is widely documented in its use to alleviate these symptoms, from motion sickness with the use of pressure bands to pregnancy and its use in medicine post op and chemotherapy treatment
This is a noticeably increasing problem amongst pregnant women often ending up on crutches with pain and decreased mobility often requiring medication.
Acupuncture can help by deactivating the trigger points in the muscles of the lower back and pelvis freeing up your movement and reducing your pain.
Pregnancy can be a stressful time for many women trying to juggle careers, family impending birth and perhaps just life in general. The relaxing effect of treatment can be a great stress buster leaving you feeling refreshed and often improved sleep quality.
Pregnancy often brings on hormonal type headaches thought to be from increase blood flow to the brain. Following medical diagnosis treatment can be offered to alleviate the pain.
Pregnancy related back pain is a common problem caused by relaxing hormones, posture or advancing pregnancy or even stress. Acupuncture can take away the pain and allow you to function again.